High Service has been selling and installing heat pumps (aero-thermal) for over 15 years. A heat pump will help save your budget and increase your comfort. We will select the right equipment for you, provide free delivery and installation for a reasonable fee. All work is done quickly, efficiently and professionally.



Heat pump prices in 2024.




According to Bosch's second study of consumption habits in Spain, the most popular type of heating in homes is the wall-mounted gas boiler (24%), followed by hot and cold air conditioning (21%) and central heating (16%)," reports Javier Espada in Climatización y Confort. Read more: Bosch presented the results of its second study "Heating and air conditioning consumption habits in Spanish homes" at a press conference held at the company's training centre in Madrid. The main finding of the study is that aerothermal systems are rarely used in Spain, as heat pumps are only installed in 5 per cent of homes. In fact, the wall-mounted gas boiler (24%) is the most common type of heating in Spanish homes, followed by air conditioning (21%) and central heating (16%), reflecting a change from 2021 when central heating was most popular. Lack of awareness of the benefits of aerothermal heating. Alicia Huertas, brand marketer at Robert Bosch Spain, notes that the low adoption rate is due to "a significant lack of knowledge about the benefits of these systems when choosing the technology, especially during renovations". For example, 60 per cent of Spaniards are still unaware that air-to-water heat pumps are a complete equipment for cooling, heating and hot water. Furthermore, according to Bosch, only one in ten Spaniards has upgraded their heating system to a more efficient and economical one, and more than 70 per cent of households are not familiar with the benefits of heat pumps.